Saturday, August 31, 2013

Watermelon and feta salad with some slivers of onion and Balsamic dressing... for supper... Delicious.

Looking through a box of stuff in the garage today, I came across a composition book with my name on it... in big block letters that I recognize as my printing...  The date under my name is March, 1985.  

What in the world was I thinking... and why?  Thumbing through the first three pages, I found that I had written in cursive, not block printing, phrases... just phrases... not complete thoughts.  Was I holding the notebook in a meeting... perhaps a very boring meeting?  I can’t remember any of it, but what I wrote makes me think I should try to reconnect with that day:
Let’s face it.  There are black holes and negative space.

Aristotle was curious.
Alexander was curious because Aristotle was.

I’ve always liked trees... always.

If we can’t be sure there are four leaf clovers and cherry blossoms out there, I’m not going.

I like the color orange.
Why orange?
What advantage?
What can I say!
I like orange.


Anonymous said...

Being in touch with the moment, how could you not be intense about it and not want to tell everyone about the secret you found!? What better way than words? In the beginning all there was, was the creator's words. Right?

Anonymous said...

Love your photo of that beautiful tree!

Anonymous said...

I especially like the second statement. ...And the student was curious because the teacher was. And they were curious together and marvelled at their curiosity. ...Namaste Jerral Miles, still teaching post-retirement and ever will be. As he should...