Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The San Diego Mayor

Mayor Bob Filner, for whom I voted in good faith, has betrayed the trust of those who supported him and has betrayed our city. He is either diabolically twisted or he is mentally ill.  To satisfy my own need to justify the vote I cast for him, I prefer the mental illness diagnosis.  ENOUGH about Filner.  

This BLOG post is done in praise of my city... our city.  Let’s get back to promoting one of the most beautiful places in America.  Let’s get our act together.  We made a mistake in electing Filner, but we didn’t make a mistake when we decided to reject Carl Demaio as mayor, and I am convinced that it would be a mistake for San Diego to send Demaio to Congress.  We don’t need another person in congress who would stand with “the majestically useless” Darrel Issa against any effort President Obama makes to govern our country.  In our city and in our country we must begin to get things done for the people. We must work to restore a congress that can effectively compromise and make concessions reasonably without turning for money and direction to the more than ten thousand lobbyists working in Washington.


Unknown said...

I was wondering what your comment was going to be regarding Filner. Unbelievable, isn't it? And your words about us as a people needing to get it together, we really do, it's out of control, stagnant in DC. Sad.

Anonymous said...

The photos are wonderful as always. I enjoy all of them. Your comments about your mayor were especially poignant, as I was thinking today about all the politicians I helped elect who have ended up being a disappointment, leaving me feeling betrayed and disgusted. I concluded before I saw your post, that I should not be surprised by my experience. I think the definition of a politician must be someone willing to lie, mislead and cheat in any way imaginable to get into office, so once there, they can do whatever is personally in their best interests, or in the best interests of those who give them the most money to get elected, and re-elected. What a disgusting and sad state of affairs. Thankfully I am in the later years of my life so I won't have to live an entire lifetime in the insanity I see. I feel sad for the generations younger than I am, and their children, who will grow up without a good education, without affordable health care, with deteriorating infra-structures, with wars in countries in close proximity, and without any means, should it become necessary, to defend themselves or their loved ones and friends. This is not what the Foundating Fathers had in mind when they wrote the Constitution, despite what personal contradictions they may have had with the words they put into it.
David J.