Wednesday, July 10, 2013

I was down on the ground this afternoon with my camera trying to get a picture of a particularly interesting jade plant.  I thought it would look good against the sky...  The only way I could see what it might look like was to lie on the ground...  didn’t know my friend Lollo Enstad was watching.  She’s amazing with camera and all things digital and Internet-related.  I was surprised to see myself from someone else’s point of view.  My Victoria, B.C. friend, Danielle, suggested I must have been having a few glasses of wine with Lollo... That would have been nice, but the getting down was more prosaic. The picture below is the one Lollo took. 

Other pictures from today:

A big carved portrait of The Buddha at a Thai Restaurant in Hillcrest where my Son David and I met for lunch with Isidro Ortiz and his son Joaquin... a very good time... after which we walked to the corner of Richmond Street and University Avenue where I asked an enchanted elf tending a sidewalk chart if I could take his picture. He was glad to oblige.

This was one of those potpourri days... Good happenings were strung together one after another, but nothing like a theme connected them... until, of course, Lollo found me sprawled on the ground.


Unknown said...

Seeing the result of your yoga moves to egt the picture you wanted, and then seeing the shot of you doing the yoga moves to get the shot....priceless.

Anonymous said...

AWESOME Color!!!

P.S. If I were to roll around on the ground to get a photo, I would first make sure no one was within a mile of me.