Friday, July 19, 2013


Confessions of a Zen Cherry Tree 

Surrounded as we are by trees and ideas
cherry and pear and 
eucalyptus splitting
a little bit at a time...

The trees around here 
and I know
a thing or two 
about life.

The Spirit Tree copes by shedding
skin all the way naked 
as if to say
to hell with it,
I’m getting rid of this old costume,
trading it in for whatever comes
not caring that the next covering
may be even less comfortable.

sapiens sapiens
they say are highest order
living things
in this and the next universe.

Plato had his doubts.


Anonymous said...

tree talk....with the death of a child in Florida the trees may be just what the doctor ordered to get us engaged in white privilege, and resulting racism that is so hard for white folks to engage.....other then....I am not a racist.....time to own up bro and for us to there is something to it when we are directed to find a tree and hug it.....good news...


Anonymous said...

Love the trees and love the poem.

Anonymous said...

Plato had his doubts, so have I!