To My new "Norwegian-American" friends:
If you are reading this, you know that I maintained a daily Internet BLOG while we were on the ship and that I posted pictures of our recent adventure together in Norway. I gave the address to some of you so you could, if you wish to do so, check out some of the pictures. Perhaps an explanation about the BLOG is in order. I began adding a photo du jour to my daily journal writing on January 1, 1987, at the suggestion of a friend who was aware of my “habit” of writing every day and keeping it in a notebook. Of course, until the Internet came along and became available to all of us ordinary folk, my journal was an old-fashioned thing of pen and paper... with daily photograph since 1987. The digital age has changed everything.
That’s the explanation! So when you go to check the Norway photographs, you will find my journal. It’s the monkey on my back, my habit, my addiction... pure (and sometimes not so pure) self-indulgence. You are welcome to read it anytime.
To Chacha:
Thanks for introducing us to your friend Gladly, the cross-eyed bear, who lives in the year-round tropical paradise in Trondheim. If you don’t get the joke, ask around. A good Lutheran should be able to explain it to you... or anyone who immediately got your story about the god Andy.
Jerral Miles, AKA Luther in Vantage records...

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