We had someone visiting our group this morning, Marita Viloria, who has, as we say in America... “put her money where her mouth is...” In Baguio, Philippines, she has begun a program to help young prostitutes get education so they can get out of the oldest profession before they become too old and unattractive to continue their “work.” She is not judgmental. She knows they and their children could probably not survive without the income they earn selling their bodies. She gives them practical health information in her effort to keep them as safe as possible until they and their children can break away from their pimps. Most of the women and men prostitutes get into the business when are still children. Most are sold into sex slavery by their parents or other relatives. There are thousands of them in Baguio and millions more all over Asia.
On another subject: My doves are doing well. The male hasn’t shown up at all. The female was away from the nest almost all day yesterday and today. The time is seven thirty in the evening as I write this, and she still hasn’t come back to the nest. I took pictures of the two chicks today. I continue to be amazed at the rate of their growth. The feathers on their heads are now almost as smooth as those on their mother’s head, and just four days ago they were barely able to hold their frizzy heads up.

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