LIFE GOES ON...The mother dove who comes a couple of times each year to lay her eggs in a hanging pot of jade which I have hanging outside my window has done it again. For the past couple of years she has laid eggs twice and each time she has brought two fuzzy, helpless, quite ugly little creatures into the world. The drill is always the same. She sits and watches me as I work at my computer; I turn often and acknowledge her. Today I carefully removed the screen from the window, set up my camera on a tall tripod, and slowly without making any startling moves aimed the camera and got a few pictures. I saw both chicks yesterday, but only one of the them made an appearance for the photograph today. Of course, I’ll keep trying. Papa Dove hasn’t come around this time. Last spring, I think it was March, he helped by bringing food. I expect him to show up any day now. The little guys get hungry and seem to make demands for food. The babies seem a bit rude, but the mother is very patient. I didn’t notice until two days ago that they had hatched. Mama Dove was sitting a little higher in the nest, so I looked closely; and sure enough there they were. I’m being careful not to spook them. I do believe the Mother knows and trusts me. As I type this, she is no more than ten feet from where I sit at my computer.

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