If it is true that everything alive
is alive because something
billions of years ago something
unexplained and unexplainable
happened in the utter vacuum
of what we have named space
in a language I speak and raum
or espace or espacio or место
in other languages which they
say is the only way we can begin
to understand anything just to
put words to what we see and
hear and to create reality by
naming it anyway something
out of nothing suddenly where
no one was there to hear the
universe or what became a
universe come into being with
no one to name it or to see it
or to hear the explosion out there
wherever that is and whatever
it means out there or up there
however it was the explosion
is said to have spread outward
beginning as many as thirteen
count ‘em billion years ago and
most astronomers say it what-
ever it is is still expanding toward
what it boggles the mind it does
just to think about it watching
birds down by the river and looking
at the grass and the water and
of course the birds flying wishing
I could fly but this I know I think
I know when I was down by the river
looking at the grass and the water
and the birds and the sky that if
all this is real because of whatever
exploded then I am glad.

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