I was wondering can we know
if the blues comes more easily and
more often to an old man than to
a younger guy who thinks he has
all the time in the world before he
finds himself wondering as he
writes if blues is a singular or plural
noun which makes a big diffference
if verb-subject agreement in
the textbooks I spent my life with
is worth anything at all and as a
matter of fact the question is bound
to come up about using a preposition
to end a sentence with and then
there is the little matter of punctu-
ation which demands or at least
suggests or maybe politely asks
for some kind of punctuation between
two main clauses and then there’s the
matter of contractions in formal
writing which would preclude or even
maybe discourage or prohibit any-
thing but there is in a piece of writing
as serious as this one and then I
suppose preclude isn’t even a word
choice worth considering in that place
about four lines up from here or where
I was when I began to question my-
self because having been with em-
phasis on having and been not am
an English teacher and by the way
difference has only one f which is
probably what a teacher would put
on this paper if it was (were) handed
in as part of a homework assignment.
What I meant to say in the beginning
is that I really, really, really, like bamboo
which makes me remember some very
good times in Singapore where bamboo
grows like, well, bamboo, which under
the circumstances made me wonder
about the difference between the way
blues comes to an old man and
a younger one and don’t ask me about
the circumstances because I’m not
going to say.

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