The religionists, notice I don’t say Christians, would make it a crime, no, not just a crime but an impossibility, crimes are within the realm of the possible, but these self-righteous, self-absorbed, self-anointed, self-appointed givers and takers away of simple human rights, human civil rights, rights to life-affirming institutions like marriage, the folks who once upon a time thought black people, called, of course, by another name, shouldn’t drink from the same water fountains as white people, as if there really are people who are white and people who are black, these homoSAPiens who say they have it straight from God that he doesn’t want a man to love another man or a woman to love another woman, these holy people, even that pompous preacher, I am mightily tempted to use another adjective and another noun, from La Mesa, these misunderstanders of basic, simple logical issues would have me believe some Greater Power in the Universe thinks it is O.K. for any man, no matter how brutish, to marry any woman, however unfit for connubial contact he may be or for that matter how unable she may be to give and receive love, they would have me believe that some Supreme Being approves a union as long as it is between a man and a woman, however unfit for family life either or both of them may be and that a man who has done all sorts of horrible emotional and physical crimes to women and children should have the right to marry any woman who will have him, even allowing him to marry by proxy from a prison cell as long as the one he is marrying doesn’t have the dangle between the legs? What do they think? What do you think...that marriage is not supposed to be about love? The only thing that’s required is for one of them to have the dangle and the other not? Is that it? It isn’t about love? Is it the tired old “intelligent design” argument? Is it simply a matter of fitting body parts together? Have they not looked? Have they not seen? Have they not figured out that fitting the body parts together isn’t about love? Have they not noticed that fitting the body parts together is sometimes not a good thing, that sometimes unwanted children come from fitting the body parts together and how tremendously sad that is, producing children who are unwanted who grow up to be adults who weren’t wanted and...and...and...on it goes... you know the rest of that story. Remember the children! You people out there who voted yes on Proposition Hate in November because you think God big G told somebody to tell you to do it, rethink the matter! Neither God big G nor god little g has anything to say in the matter. I’ve been listening.
1 comment:
Amen brother!
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