Perhaps it’s Rush Limbaugh’s essential meanness that I dislike the most; but, of course, it’s likely that the main reason he disgusts me is that he says he believes every man (it’s a man’s world, according to the radio talking head) who doesn’t have everything he wants is just not trying hard enough if the Republicans are the party in power; and if the Democrats are the “ruling party,” the have-nots are without what they want and need because their opportunities are being taken away from them and given away by government. Intelligent and reasonable people are dismayed by his plea to Republican Party leaders to sabotage the Obama government’s efforts to get our country’s economy back on track.
One of America’s great strengths is its strong two-party system. Mr. Limbaugh, who calls himself a patriot, actually threatens and weakens the system that makes our country strong. I am a democrat, and I work specifically with intelligence and integrity to strengthen the Democratic Party. I am quite sure I will continue my voter registration as a democrat, but I believe our country has a better chance of surviving and enduring as a leader of nations if we can preserve both major political parties. I encourage republicans to work with intelligence and integrity to strengthen their party. Mr. Limbaugh threatens and weakens his party with his outrageous rhetoric. Educated young people are not likely to buy into the Republican Party if Limbaugh is seen as its spokesperson. If republicans want both America and the Republican Party to survive, they should distance themselves from him and any other of their leaders who would rather see the nation fail than to see it recover if the recovery is the result of a plan that has been developed by democrats.
I live
how would I
know who
I am
place at all
to call
I Met again today with Dr. Tommy Korn, the surgeon who implanted a new lens into my left eye; and I reported to him that I no longer have a white balance problem with my photographs when I "shoot" with my left eye. My "new" lens works perfectly; the good doctor obviously know what he is doing. In a couple of weeks he will take out the old cataract-dimmed lens from my right eye and give me a brand new perfect one. All of this will be done in less than half-an-hour. He and his staff are truly miracle workers. Wow! I can hardly wait to see what the world looks like when I am able to see it through two new lenses.
I know what you can see with your new lenses. A beautiful world.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...but clear lenses help.
I'm with you on your Rush thoughts.
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