Discouraging news from the parking lot. Although the impulse to wait was powerful, I decided not to stick around to see who owns the car parked next to mine with the bumper sticker that said, “MY GOD CAN KICK YOUR GOD’S ASS.” The bumper sticker is a reminder that the world is often not a safe place. It shattered the good mood I had found a few minutes earlier watching and photographing an energetic hummingbird.. and then I noticed that the red car was actually a piece of junk and that the other cars around it didn’t express such a nasty attitude... and I began to feel a teeny bit better until I turned on the car radio as I drove away and heard that insurgents in Afghanistan had detonated a bomb in a crowed mosque... Muslims killing Muslims over whose god is bigger.
What a sign. Who would put that on their car? Yes, the God vs God contest is played out on a daily basis, isn't it. That's one game I don't like. Beautiful hummingbird, really.
Isn't interesting that there are so many Christian Gods today. If an uninformed person came to earth today and looked in the yellow pages under churchs the visitor would be terribly confused and wonder how many Christian Gods exist? Looking further into the matter by attending Christian churches the visitor again would find that each church today seems to be sporting their own self defined god.....making it very difficult to make a choice on who has got THE GOD DEAL.
Upon returning from Hawaii several months ago, I was given the name of a couple who had attended the church in Honolulu who now live in Bellingham. So upon getting home I called and got the wife. I gave them greetings from their friends at Sst. Mary's Episcopal in Hawaii. I asked what Episcopal church she attended......she replied...we are Anglican's not Episcopalians....going on to say that they did not agree that homosexuals should be ordained clergy or consecrated bishops....their Bible was against such acts.
So there you go bro.....chalk one up for the creation of another Christian God.
I prefer to go with the Dali Lama.....go with original good rather then original sin.....better to start from a place of hope and possibility then to start where we are broken and messed up...which in turn results in man having to find some way to make himself right at the expense of others....
So the Hawaiians had it right after all....as did the Lakota and the Inca and the Aztec and the Mayan and the Shaman to mention a few belief systems that yet live even after Christians called them pagan....what is the origin of pagan? Maybe chocolate? Something fun and sweet?
What a sign. Who would put that on their car? Yes, the God vs God contest is played out on a daily basis, isn't it. That's one game I don't like.
Beautiful hummingbird, really.
Isn't interesting that there are so many Christian Gods today. If an uninformed person came to earth today and looked in the yellow pages under churchs the visitor would be terribly confused and wonder how many Christian Gods exist? Looking further into the matter by attending Christian churches the visitor again would find that each church today seems to be sporting their own self defined god.....making it very difficult to make a choice on who has got THE GOD DEAL.
Upon returning from Hawaii several months ago, I was given the name of a couple who had attended the church in Honolulu who now live in Bellingham. So upon getting home I called and got the wife. I gave them greetings from their friends at Sst. Mary's Episcopal in Hawaii. I asked what Episcopal church she attended......she replied...we are Anglican's not Episcopalians....going on to say that they did not agree that homosexuals should be ordained clergy or consecrated bishops....their Bible was against such acts.
So there you go bro.....chalk one up for the creation of another Christian God.
I prefer to go with the Dali Lama.....go with original good rather then original sin.....better to start from a place of hope and possibility then to start where we are broken and messed up...which in turn results in man having to find some way to make himself right at the expense of others....
So the Hawaiians had it right after all....as did the Lakota and the Inca and the Aztec and the Mayan and the Shaman to mention a few belief systems that yet live even after Christians called them pagan....what is the origin of pagan? Maybe chocolate? Something fun and sweet?
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