THIS EVENING WAS ONE OF THOSE TIMES when I was reminded of the importance of friendship... and that good friendships can be formed even temporarily with people whom we will not see again. Margaret and I have been fortunate these past two weeks to be with a group of people who began as strangers and will part tomorrow as friends. The photograph below is a picture of friends comfortable with each other. Two weeks ago the same people were cordial at a first dinner together, but they were not yet friends. After dinner Margaret and I talked about how good it is to have been with such people.The photographs today are of one of the world's most beautiful cities... Edinburgh, Scotland. It has been interesting today to try to recall images from a visit to the city thirty years ago to see if the way I see it today is the same. This little coffee shop in Edinburgh just down the hill from the castle is where J.K. Rowling wrote at least the first chapter, perhaps more, of the first Harry Potter book.
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