O.K... Let’s see if I can make a journal entry that fits... that makes some kind of sense in relation to the couple of photographs I’m including with the BLOG writing. After three weeks away from home, I am decompressing (or maybe recompressing) by addressing a few chores that must be done whether or not I am home. In the middle of the afternoon I picked up my camera and walked around the house and down the street to see if I could find my picture for the day.
This is election day. The polling place for our neighborhood has been set up in our community’s little gym and meeting room. The American flag is flying outside. Democracy is happening behind those dark windows. You can’t see it, but it’s there. Our country is a bit like this polling place on election day. I have faith, perhaps confidence is a better word choice, that democracy is happening in my country. I like our President very much. He is a good sign that democracy is working in America. Like most people, I am easily discouraged by the convolutions and contradictions in our congress, but that too is an example of democracy at work. I’ll be happier when the system is less influenced by money funneled into Washington by powerful corporations and interests groups; but that too can and will be addressed. We have a good system. It works well most of the time. When some part of it fails to work well for awhile, the other parts make corrections; and we get back on track again. I like the U.S.A. I am glad to be a citizen of this good country. I refuse to let the Rush Limbaughs and Glenn Becks discourage me to the point of despair. They are opportunists who have found a way to make a buck (actually very many bucks) by playing to citizens who are easily frightened... to people who claim to love our country but distrust and even hate our government. They will pass just as this confused time will pass.
The abstract picture on the BLOG today: the eucalyptus tree in our yard is doing it’s spring peel. I find something anthropomorphic about the designs left when the bark/skin from last year falls away.

1 comment:
Jerral, you never cease to amaze me! Your eye for beauty ia extraordinary which makes your photos unique and phenomanel. Your prose are equally so. You must be a joy to travel with!! Thank you for sharing with your fans.
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