The Internet makes it possible for me to read morning editions of The New York Times and the Washington Post while I enjoy my first cup of coffee before breakfast, but sometimes the "news" leaves me in a funk. This morning the front pages told the world about our Supreme Court's decision that the city of Chicago could not ban hand guns because it would violate the Constitutional guarantee of the right to bear arms. The open carry and other gun rights advocates have won another round. The Tea Party and the National Rifle Association were given another reason to celebrate. The morning papers also reported a measured increase in the incidences of something called cyber bullying, especially in middle and high schools in America. The papers also carried reports of increases in violent domestic crimes in most American cities. I didn't have the heart to read about the reported deaths in our two Middle East wars. I needed a beauty fix, and I found it near the end of the day when Margaret and I came across some artichokes planted in a front yard in Hillcrest.

Good morning America (Hi Jerral @Margaret)
Looked at your mavellous blog tonight aussie time
Absolutely amazing, and very kind of you to share your thoughts and photos with the world.
I had asked you while on tour one night, about the photos, you mentioned your blog,finally had time tonight to look, I have dragged a few of the tour photos onto my desktop where I will add to i photos with your permission.
Merlinda and I would like to thank you for your pleasant company on tour, and wish Margaret and yourself all the best.
I shall revisit your blog from time to time to read about your views and travels which I find interesting
Warmest wishes
William (Bill )& Merlinda
I SO know what you mean about reading the papers and getting in a funk. I mean really, is there no good news anymore? As much as I would like to stop reading them altogether, I do it just to keep up. I have sworn off our local news, it's just terrible. When they're not building up the latest possible weather catastrophy (4 inches of snow) the news is filled with house fires and shootings. I can do without that info.
And the right to own a gun thing, damn, don't get me started.
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