Anytime I have to go to Los Angeles is an adventure in Wonderland. The reality of Los Angeles seems always half-a-click off... Off of what?... It's hard to explain. I was about to say it's half-a-click off what I consider "normal," but that can't be it because I don't have a clear sense of what is normal... or average... or what's-to-be-expected-of-cities. Before I headed up Interstate 5 with friends, I watched the U. S. soccer team pluck a win over Algeria out of thin air with two remaining minutes in a zero-zero game. That was the good news. Then I heard that great globs of tar were washing up today on Florida beaches. I listened to a television news anchor speculate about the fate of General Stanley McCrystal. And the economy seems not to be recovering as quickly as it should.
I needed a relief... something beautiful... and I found it with my camera when I went out once to put more money in the parking meter. A woman walking up Wilshire Boulevard had wrapped herself in purple feathers. And later I saw a lily... up close... and an agapanthus blossom being born... A picture I took of Dael when she was here in December on a visit from The Netherlands was the perfect image to make today's BLOG entry beautiful.

Isn't it interesting what we each think as normal? There's probably as many "normals" as there are people.
And yes, this post of yours is definitely beautiful.....and so are the flowers.
I'm learning to readjust my idea of "normal" almost every day. It's harder and harder for me to find fault with a lot of "stuff" that I was taught was nor normal... so I'm looking for beauty and affirmation, not just for myself, but for other people. We had a tragic event in our community last week. A young man, gay and estranged from his family, jumped from his death from the ninth floor of the hospital where he worked. He had said he was trying to adjust to "not being normal," and he couldn't find a way to do it.
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