TALK ABOUT CONFUSION! Have you ever seen so much going on in one tree. This ficus, cousin to the indoor plants people in colder parts of the world keep inside, is one of about fifty majestic tropical evergreen trees lining Camino Degrazia, the street where I live. I didn’t notice until I was editing the picture that there is a vulgar brashness about these trees. They were pruned mercilessly when they were young so they would spread out instead of growing very tall. Several ficus trees growing in Balboa Park have grown into impressive giants. Our trees were planted only about twenty years ago. They are pruned every other year to induce spreading. Now they have spread so much that they almost touch each other, and touching each other is what the tree in my picture is all about. I’d be interested in know what it reminds you of when you look at it closely. It’s a kind of a Rorschach Test. Don’t worry, I won’t try to psychoanalyze you or publish your analysis if you tell me what you see.

Margaret with Bill and Helen Thomas

Eric and Julian Johnson
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