I have to admire anyone who takes a perfectly good house, where everything works... no drippy faucets, no mildew in the closets, no toilets backed up, no walls with paint peeling... and decides to redo the inside, not just a little bit but completely: walls, ceilings, floors, lights, plumbing, everything... My friend, Ed, is doing just that. He is a man with vision. What I saw when I looked at the “old” house was a lovely, comfortable home. What I saw this afternoon was a house reduced to a skeleton of its former self. What Ed sees is a vision of beauty, peace and comfort. I’m getting the picture... and I like it. The picture below was taken a week before the one above. He had begun packing things away. I don't have a picture of the room two weeks ago. I'll supply one in a month or so when everything is back in place.

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