By Ben Christensen
How linguistically lovely the four names sing:
Euna Lee and Laura Ling.
A hearfelt homecoming to family and friends,
brightly smiling all around
tears of joy and hugs abound.
Laura Ling and Euna Lee today stand strong,
their strength bouyed up by loyal family
faithful friends and a throng
of well-wishing Americans.
Yet, then imprisoned, who can fathom
their horror, standing in judgment's grip,
a pain inflicted their lives to rip?
Or, who doubts glad tidings all around,
with vibrant radiance their voices sound?
Laura Ling and Euna Lee,
treasured daughters, lovely wives,
so full of glee.
Euna Lee and Laura Ling
feeling today their freedom ring.
Thanks Bill, thanks Al, thanks America
for bringing happiness home on freedom's wing.

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