Thursday, August 12, 2010

The car is NOT an anniversary present!The flower is... from Nancy....and this is the car Nina wants someday!Nina is definitely the important picture for today. How wonderfully she is growing!I've had this elephant for years... Today it's head fell off. I don't know how it happened... so don't read into the event anything more than you can see. It has been a platform for a fine philodendron; which by the way, is doing well sitting on an elephant that has no head. I watered the plant every week for years, and I suppose the chalky material became soft and just fell off. Don't read anything into it. If it had been a chalky donkey, the same thing surely would have happened... I'm keeping in mind the fact that the Ides of March is (are?) far behind, or far ahead, whichever way you look at it.. and November is still two months away.Margaret and I are celebrating our wedding anniversary today...
My friend Clyde Yoshida is both artist and teacher, a combination of great advantage to his students... and to his friends. Yesterday he was putting finishing touches on a 30 x 30-inch oil painting which he has named “Desire.” I like the painting and find it even more pleasing and intriguing knowing the name he has given it. If I were still teaching older adolescent students, I would ask them to study the painting and write about it. I would ask them to think of other artists like Braque and Picasso whose work they might recall as they study Clyde painting. I would ask them why they think he chose the name he gave to the painting. Clyde’s work, including this one, will be part of an exhibit beginning later this year. When I know the details, I’ll post them on this BLOG. You may want to go take a look at some other work by Clyde and another San Diego artist.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Most importantly, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you and your wife.

Nina, why isn't she a model? Lovely.

I really like that painting, it's very interesting isn't it?

And, why do I keep "reading into" the decapitation of the elephant? I can't help it.