Wednesday, September 23, 2015

I WENT DOWN TO THE SAN DIEGO AIRPORT TODAY to meet Clyde's and Dave's plane from Montana by way of Salt Lake City.  I always like taking a look at San Diego Bay to see what is different.  The difference today was that water was bluer and the sky seemed clearer... but any difference may have been in me.  What a wonderful place San Diego is.  Of course, the problems related to homelessness are worse, and The Donald is still out there somewhere saying America must be restored to it's original purity.  Neither The Donald nor America have been pure in some past time.

I watched Pope Francis in Washington D.C. make his way from the Papal Embassy (in a little Fiat) and then in a specially-made Pope-mobile to the White House for a visit with the Obamas. Here is a man who seems to know that problems of the world can't be solved by spouting B.S.   I like Pope Francis.  I was especially impressed by his saying that he looked first at the shoes of clergy persons, and if they had no dirt on them (from the slums where real people live) then he knows they are not doing their job.

Sitting by San Diego Bay and watching the water and the city is always a good thing to do.  I am renewed by imagining what the world can be...

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