Sunday, September 09, 2012

Some things are hard to explain... maybe impossible.  Anybody reading the first sentence in my journal today might expect some philosophical conundrum, but that’s not even close to what was on my mind.  Let’s see if I can string it together... and let the pictures fill in the blanks.

After lunch in North Park at The Davids’ house, the luncheon party went over to South Park for a walk around the shops and cafes.  Lagging behind the group with only my little point-and-shoot camera to help me fill the time, I happened on a fence covered with blooming passion flowers.  I got close... passion is the name of the flower after all... and took some shots of the deep-red blossoms.  Bicycles always get my attention, and in South Park there are more bicycle parking spots on the street than in any other part of San Diego... and the bicycle parking devices are all cleverly designed to look like... bicycles... and smack in the middle of South Park a bicycle-themed mural decorates 30th Street.  

Now, here’s what’s hard to explain: One of the bicycle devices was painted red, and someone had left a red bicycle chained to it... and I thought how appropriate it is that the bicycle parking device and the bicycle chained to it and the passion flower all happen to be the same color.  It’s as if that part of the world was designed on this particular afternoon for my casual stroll in it.  Life is good.


Anonymous said...

I love the photos! I love the red passionflower in particular.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Spectacular! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I thought at first the flower was a red fuschia. I never realized passion flowers came in such a vivid red, only purple! Yes, the reds got you yesterday. . Such a lovely way to spend an afternoon.

Anonymous said...

What a gift from you this morning! Thank you. Ginny