Several times in my BLOG writing I have mentioned THE FIBONACCI SEQUENCE found in nature. The last time I remember mentioning it was in a bit of writing I did to go along with a sunflower blossom. Another time I talked about the Fibonacci Sequence was when my picture for the day was a pine cone. Another time was the unfurling of the fiddleneck of a fern. I suspect it accounts to some extent for the beautiful symmetry in the blossoms on what I think is some kind of aloe plant growing and blooming profusely at the edge of our back porch.
In mathematics, the Fibonacci numbers are the numbers in the following sequence: 0,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,... Because it is found everywhere in nature, it is apparently the natural world's numbering system. I am guessing that I am dumbfounded and mystified by the existence of such a system in nature much more than my mathematics colleagues are because, and I am guessing again, they really understand it... and I am simply in awe of it.

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