We grow...
...and learn to separate the need to know
from the need to please somebody...
especially somebody who claims
to explain God in terms anybody
can understand...
...give me a break!
...water and ice and steam...three forms
but nevertheless exactly the same thing...
an explanation for why God the Father, God
the Son and God the Holy Ghost can be the
same One with a capital G, so there
you have it...
No more than that!
I forgot to ask about snow when I was thirteen.

Snow fell over Amstelveen too! Mother Nature took us by suprise as she dropped 1.5 feet of snow all over our town. Up in the north of Holland over 2.5 feet of snow and less in the south. Nevertheless, we havent had this many snow for over 20 years. Thus a big suprise! I wrote a poem today about the snow and how it amazes me in so many ways. It changes the look of everything, although everythings still pretty much the same. Id really care for you to read the poem and let me know what you think of it.
Justus, I love the poem... good stream-of-consciousness writing. For those who read these comments, I invite you to go to Justus' BLOG and read it for yourselves:
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