I get up every morning and make a mental "to do" list for the day. Always on the list is the search for a picture that will represent the day, an image that will help me remember the day when I look back over my photographs years later. This morning, camera and tripod in hand, I was out in a yard I share with neighbors in my community. I had thought my picture for the day would be a spectacular spider I have been seeing for a couple of days (not the Black Widow from last week, but a gentler, friendlier St. Andrew's Cross spider.), an industrious arachnid (I'm using the classification just so Nicholas Fudge will know that I know it.)that has spun a great trap for flying insects. The spider will have to wait until tomorrow. On this morning after the night before, my neighbor Jim, who happens to be Nicholas Fudge's grandfather, came along carrying the wine bottle you see in the picture. A wine bottle early on a Monday morning is an even better prop than a spider's web. Another neighbor, Sid, happened to be passing. Together they made the perfect image for this second day of November. Life is good.
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