A few minutes after I took this photograph tonight, I listened to President Obama speak to the nation about America's economic crisis. After the speech I had the distinct feeling that I will look back on this picture years from now and will be reminded that February 24, 2009, was the day when a brilliant young American President told his nation and the world that the sun is not setting on America's glory days. I heard in his message a strong statement of belief that America's best days are ahead. The sun will come up tomorrow on a stronger, wiser America.
By the way, this photograph was not taken with one of my Nikons but with a little Olympus point-and-shoot (C-7000) camera. Margaret and I were having dinner with Ed Jirjis and his brother Sam at Ed's place when the sunset stopped conversation.
Jerral, My Friend,
I like the picture very much and also hope that America will become stronger. My dream is that there is no separate Russia or America or any other country. I wish there were one big country and all people in it would be brothers and sisters. The day before yesterday it was the Defender's Day (remember 3 years ago we celebrated it at my Aunt's house and the day before it we went to banya). I heard a lot of congratulations in my address as I am also a defender hypothetically and every time I got a congratulation I asked people "What is "Defender", I know whom I should defend - my family, my country, but I do not know FROM whom I should defend. From other countries? This implies that I should defend people of my country from people of another country. BUT we all are people, HOMO SAPIENS is not just a word - it means "a person who simply CAN, IS ABLE TO think" and if it is so why did people and do people kill each other? This makes me very sad...just imagine what the world would be would all the people all over the world think what they do and understand what is simply good and what is simply bad...
Our two nations' troubles are bound together historically and now economically, if not sometimes ideologically. Your observation provides the best approach to our economic problems and to our two nations' ideological differences. American and Russia are indeed nations of brothers who must get past historical differences. Thank you, my friend.
Toya Jordan
Thank you for sharing a beautiful picture and sentement as will. I felt your words and enjoyed the magnificent picture I too believe that America is in a period of rennisance that we as American have demonstrated our desire to move forward in our pursuit of happiness for all Americans.
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