Bless the madness.
This area is not secure.
Pray for disillusion.
This area is not secure.
The world is not what it was thought to be...
This area is not secure.
When winter followed spring...
This area is not secure.
and love and like were not the same.
This area is not secure.
Strawberries and promises don’t keep forever.
This area is not secure.
1 comment:
Jerral, Most walls are unsafe and most walls are built by irrational fear, aren't they. The "walls making good neighbors" thing is a common wisdom that sucks. I grew up in a house surrounded by hedge fences. The people who owned the property before us had a full time landscaper/gardener and those hedges were impenetrable and thereby unsafe. They did not have children, but they did have property, beautiful property. When the 7 Smith "boys" arrived there were soon gaping spaces in the hedge rows leading to Billy's house to the west, Skipper's house to the south, and Rube's house to the east. As the Smith boys got older there soon were more gaping holes in the hedge rows leading to Shirley's house, Betty's house, and Carol's house. It's amazing what you can do behind hedge rows in moonlight in a town too small to notice. I really believe the hedge rows were the most beautiful after the gaping holes were added. Any wall that intentionally separates us from each other, any wall that claims property over relationship, any wall that divides us by our sameness, any wall that creates safe sanctuaries to bigotry, any wall that keeps some people out, any wall....is unsafe. I like the United Methodist motto: Open hearts, open minds, open doors...no walls. Too bad they/we are still building unsafe walls. Thanks, Bob
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