This seems to be the season for trying to get something for nothing. Thievery and forgery are age old attempts to get money without earning it. What seems unusual and novel are some newly hatched schemes reported daily in newspapers and on television. Big bank and giant corporation executives, already the highest paid people in corporate America are joined by San Diego firemen and a Los Angeles mother in outrageous grabs for money. The four firemen, those strong, courageous, fearless defenders of public safety, claim to be sexual harassment victims who have suffered headaches, anxiety, anger and other stress-related issues because of their participation in an annual public celebration and parade. Each is asking for a million bucks as compensation for his suffering. The Los Angeles welfare mother of six who gave birth to eight more children she didn’t need, children who are likely to have multiple disabilities, has established a WEB site asking people to send money. Is there a special school for scoundrels where people learn and practice schemes for getting money without working for it? If such a school exists, I shouldn’t be surprised to learn that it is asking to be included in the government’s stimulus plan.

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