Monday, September 14, 2015

Waiting for…  

The slogan “Make America Great Again” has a hollow ring to it, especially when it is flung out on all Media channels by The Donald who also likes saying he is very rich. Some of us are old enough to remember a world, and an American culture, very different from the one that surrounds us in the second decade of the 21st Century.  America is an amazing country.  People from all over the world want to come here, not just to be tourists and see the Grand Canyon but to relocate and make America their home. The problems that confront the nation have nothing to do with loss of esteem. Access to basic necessities like food and water and housing are not what Mr. Trump is saying we need in America.  He is saying we need to make things even better for Americans who already have the good life.  The billionaire seems not to know that even people who are modestly well off already have anything and everything they should want.  We already make the very best of technology and the very highest standard of living available to affluent citizens. 

America is always poised on the edge of tomorrow…  In Medical care and housing and education and technological “stuff” our affluent citizens never lag behind any people in the world. I have cameras that connect with WiFi to my iPhone and to my iPads. When I’m out on my bicycle or walking down any street, I can take or make a phone call by tapping my Apple Watch. I can ask Siri who is always with me what the weather will be tomorrow in Omaha.  

BUT... Our poorest citizens suffer. Nothing proposed by Mr. Trump will “make America great” for them. We need leadership that is committed to meeting the needs of all citizens.

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