Wednesday, September 05, 2012

What Crows Know

Where do they come from,
and where do they go...
the crows black as night
flying by the hundreds
above the river valley
always west to east?

Ovid said a crow tattled
that Coronis cheated on Apollo
who adored her and
with a mortal no less
she did it
so Apollo 
in a rage had her killed
just like that 

but he regretted and blamed the bird
and turned all crows from white to black
as punishment,
Ovid said...

What I want to know
is what crows know
that we don’t
about night coming?


Anonymous said...

Of course the crow is known as the RAVEN to those first nations in the NW.....and is sacred....filled with wisdom and is a spirit guide...always near always watching...
J. B.

Anonymous said...

Probably told you this in the past. I was in Sedona for 10 days few years back. My bedroom on 2 floor had a window by my bed that looked directly into trees. I was awake very early and could prop myself up on pillows and just look into the tree and watch all the signaling and comings and goings. Kind of like meerkats. Sentries and all. cawing...flying from here to where? Fascinating.