Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I don’t think this is Charlotte, and I don’t think it knows about Mr. Arable’s sow or the litter of pigs. This spider seems to be concerned only with catching flies. It apparently eats them right away. I saw one caught in the web in the morning and by this afternoon it was gone.

I’ve always liked Charlotte and little Fern and Wilbur. Wilbur is hyperactive, always exploring new things, and I can relate to that. Fern is compassionate. And Charlotte is probably the only reason I have ever felt kindly toward spiders. Since I first read Charlotte’s Web, I’ve been unable to squish one.

I have the distinct feeling that if spiders could vote, this one would vote NO ON PROPOSITION 8 (rhymes with hate)


Anonymous said...

Dear Jerral,

My friend Marla introduced me to your blog. Your pictures and words are inspiring. I wish I could duplicate you (and Marla) a hundred times over. You and my friend Marla make this world a better place for all of us and for that I am thankful. I campaigned today "No on 8" from 4:30pm - 6:15pm on La Jolla Village Drive in front of University Towne Center. The few snarled at us and it was wonderful to hear the horns and see the smiles and waves from so many that do support our cause. I commend you and Marla for your support, everyday.

Most sincerely,

Jerral Miles said...

Thanks, Ron. I hope we can all get out and encourage people to vote NO on Prop. 8... Lots of work to do between now and Tuesday. My wife and I will be over on University Avenue with our candles at 9 pm Saturday... at the same time the big HATE for JESUS rally is underway in the stadium in Mission Valley. Forgive my cynicism...

Molly Vetter said...

I agree. Orange spiders would surely be wise enough to say no to 8 (and hate).

I'm also writing to seek forgiveness for stealing (borrowing?) this picture to wish a happy birthday to a dear friend, who had the good fortune to be born on Halloween. I promised I'd give him a spider for his b-day, and this was just the perfect one... My apologies, and hope for grace!

Jerral Miles said...

My spiders are your spiders... anytime.