Tuesday, January 24, 2017

This afternoon Margaret and I took a walk around our part of National City.  The clouds had broken into fluffy patches.  A rainbow had settled itself over the Eastern sky.  Rain had retreated and unless something comes up in the late afternoon, the six days of rain have come to an end, and we are back to San Diego's usual winter weather.  This is truly a beautiful place.  Some people say the climate here is the most perfect in the world.  I believe it.  Perhaps believing is too easy.  Perhaps that's why the guy who is now the President of the United States feels free to make up numbers and events because he knows we are a nation of easy believers... but I don't believe his statement this morning that in the last election we had three million people voting illegally.  He implied that they voted for the other candidate, and if there had been no voter fraud he would have won the popular election as well as the Electoral College election.  The guy makes up stories.The next four years will be interesting...

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