Monday, April 20, 2015

After finding friend Ed Griffith’s late father’s house high above Seaside Beach, the highlight of this day was the birth of a seal at glass beach in Fort Bragg.  Nancy saw the birth.  Margaret and I got to where Nancy was watching moments after the little pup had been pushed out of the womb onto the white glass beach. The mother seal had not expelled all the afterbirth material when we got there.  We saw all this from perhaps a hundred yards up on a grassy knoll above the beach. The mother seal was busy trying to get the new pup to nurse. I was feeling frustrated because I had left my Nikon with the long lens in the car and had only the little SONY QX100 with a limited focal range.  The little camera is powerful with a 21 megapixel capacity, a one-inch sensor and a fixed-mount Zeiss lens that captured a remarkably sharp image which I cropped without losing too much definition. 

Life is good.

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