Friday, November 07, 2014

O.K., O.K…  I’m trying…  I’m trying… No, I’m lying; I’m not trying very hard to get over it.  I guess I’m just a sore loser.  This morning I’m doing today’s BLOG writing while sitting in a car dealership lounge (complete with T.V., a fancy, schmansky coffee machine complete with a big tray of flavored, sugared, creamy accoutrements, three kinds of donuts, and a little cooler with bottled spring water) waiting for recall service to be completed on my little green car.  The giant T.V. screen sprawled across the wall is set to FOX news spewing winner’s circle, end-of-the-game hurrahs designed to needle people like me and to delight  the other guy sitting in the waiting room with me… 

…But, we’ve got to get over it and get on with it.  Even though climate change deniers are getting set to roll back our country’s small-step progress in confronting the reality of global warming, We losers of this midterm election have got to continue to insist it’s true that the atmosphere surrounding our Good Earth is making it sicker.  We’ve got to remember that wealth and health aren’t the same condition.  We must continue to insist on making the health of Earth and of living things a higher priority than further enriching the wealthiest people who bought a slim majority government in this week’s election.  It’s very important for people like me to remember how slim that majority is and that 2016 is coming on fast. 

I’m a retired old school guy who, before retirement, had to walk away from more than a couple of ball games remembering that there would be other games, games better played, winning games.  The majority of Americans want decent health care for all people.  The majority of our citizens believe in appropriate education affordable for all people.  The majority of Americans believe in a living wage for even the lowest paid workers.  It’s true that the majority of Americans have come to believe people who love each other and commit to becoming a legal, recognized family unit should be allowed to marry.  There are still a few racist bigots left in the country, but all things considered not so many who dislike our President just because he and his family are Black.  Americans are by and large good folks who want good things not just for themselves but for others as well.  Rush Limbaugh and more than a few other pundits are saying Democrats “lost” the election because American citizens don’t trust and don’t like President Barack Obama.  Now’s here’s where I run the risk of standing up and shouting “bull shit” at the big screen Fox News team; but that isn’t what I’m going to do. I’m going to keep reminding myself that the majority of Americans didn’t bother to vote. Rather than curse and scream I’m going to commit myself to helping my team do better next time; and in the meantime I’m going to continue to play on the team that encourages our President and supports others in government who are committed to a better future for all Americans and for all citizens of the world.

…And things are looking up in the dealership lounge.  The TV channel switched as if by magic from Fox to ESPN.  

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