Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Of thee I sing, sweet land...

Sitting at lunch today in one of those travel centers on a freeway, I couldn’t avoid seeing and hearing a thirty-minute segment of Fox News.  Margaret told me I should lower my voice when I was telling her how much I hoped that the choice of Fox over other news options was no choice indicating preference but a simple mistake... that someone punched a number on the remote thinking another newscast would appear and then went back to the kitchen without noticing Fox was broadcasting a familiar senator’s face as it contorted around the words describing what he insists is the very worst economic time in American history because, he said in several ways that America is burdened presently with the worst president in its history. I had a strong urge to stand and yell at the TV or at least search for the remote and turn it off. Of course, I didn’t.  I just went back to eating my lunch thinking as I did that the person back there in the kitchen who made the wonderful meatloaf couldn’t possible be someone who would agree with the senator and his Fox News anchor woman... and then it occurred to me how great it is to live in a country where people can disagree so completely on what makes a great president and agree on what is a very good meatloaf.  

After lunch Margaret and I went back to driving through the center of the United States, the heartland of America... talking about how wonderful it is.

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