Monday, January 14, 2013


North Park, a San Diego community east of Hillcrest on University Avenue is becoming a center for outdoor art. I was driving at night with son David on 30th Street a couple of evenings ago when he pointed out a guy working on a mural. This wasn't a tagger lurking surreptitiously in the shadows, but a legitimate street artist with permission, perhaps even a commission, working like Michelangelo in the chapel to put an idea onto a wall.  There he was with his ladder and buckets of paint and brushes putting the finishing touches on a new mural that I thought surely must mean something. The idea of public art appeals to me,  so I went back today in daylight to see for myself what he had done. 

 O.K., O.K., so he wasn't exactly like Michelangelo, and he wasn't putting something as grand as God reaching out his finger to touch man, but what he did was worth studying.  I'm still trying to figure it out, and I'm giving the artist the benefit of the doubt, which is actually what I have to do with a lot of art.  What was he trying to say?  I guess that's not the point of the thirty-foot-long, eight-foot-high, collage.  What I can say about it is that it's more interesting than the blank wall that was there last week.  That's enough.


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