Monday, February 13, 2012

This morning I went out hunting for a special tree that was mentioned and pictured in Kathy Puplava’s and Paul Sirois’ book Trees and Gardens of Balboa Park. I found a couple of Brazilian coral trees near the Marsden House Museum. The trees are blossoming ahead of time again this year. They are very much like the African Coral Tree, which makes me wonder at what point in their evolutionary development the trees in Africa and the Trees in South America developed in slightly different ways. They look as if they started out as one kind of tree once upon a time. I wonder if differentiation began when the African continent and the South American continent parted ways 200 million years ago.

I particularly like the Coral Trees. The South American trees’ blossoms usually pop out March through May, and here they are completely bloomed out in February... Perhaps the trees are all trying to tell us something.

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