Tuesday, February 07, 2012

PEOPLE ARE WINDOWS... AND COURTS ARE DOORS. It’s appropriate for the law to allow shades and curtains to be drawn against prying eyes; but there should not be public doors that are open to some citizens but closed to others.

Once again an American court has ruled that singling out and denying basic rights of citizenship, like marriage, to any group of people is a violation of rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Judge Vaughn Walker’s decision that Proposition 8 is unconstitutional was right. Because the Constitution guarantees freedom of expression of opinion and appeal of lower court decisions, perhaps we should be glad the 9th Circuit Court’s decision was stayed giving those who oppose equality yet another chance to appeal to a higher court, but it’s hard to be glad when denial of citizenship rights for anybody for any length of time is obviously an injustice clear to everybody but the bigots themselves. The bigots will lose their appeal... eventually. It always happens... eventually.

Of course, it’s possible that conservative justices serving now on the Supreme Court will rule against the Ninth Circuit Court’s decision; but eventually the matter will be resolved. Americans twenty years from now will look back in wonder that such ignorance and injustice could have been tolerated and approved by the highest court in their nation. I wish I knew the name of the author of an announcement issued by the San Diego LGBT Community Center so I could give credit for the following statement: “Odd to have your rights, dignity and worthiness endlessly debated. Odder still to have your fellow citizens vote on your basic rights with often nothing more to inform them than their fears, fantasies and biases about people they don’t know or understand. And the oddest thing of all may end up being that there never was any evidence that the committed love and marriage of gays and lesbians is anything more than joyous and human.”


dcpeg said...

Your thoughts and pictures are so eloquent. Thanks for sharing them.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing that comment. It is most appropriate. What in the world do bigots have against the marriage of Gays and Lesbians? Only that they can't stand to see people be glad they are alive and can share their love. Liz