Tuesday, August 30, 2011


It’s not true
though I want it to be so
that poetry is better
when it’s written with a fountain pen.

It is true
that poetry good or bad
has more to do with the soul
than with writing instruments.

Perhaps the very best
is never written at all
but spoken only once
straight out of a broken or joyful heart.


Anonymous said...

No, no, no! It has to be written
if remembered even if only in part
because the rest of us need to hear and experience it too
especially if it comes from the mind of jerral miles whose thoughts
so often express my own and whose soul connects with my own
and one must always if possible use a fountain pen prefferably
the most expensive they can afford

Rajesh said...

Beautiful, beautiful! I used fountain pens, until laptops and blogs happened :)

Anonymous said...

My dear friend, It's better to have written on your heart than with the finest fountain pen on the purest vellum. What is written on paper is always secondary to what you've written already inside, deep inside. Stay alive until there is no more room to write anything more on your heart...to hell with an MFA in poetry, you've long excelled beyond it.