On Saturday I stood with a very large group of American people who gathered at the San Diego County Administration Building to declare that John Boehner does not speak for them. These are people who want the governor of Wisconsin and other elected politicians to know that they do not want bargaining rights to be taken away from workers. Citizens all across the country got together to remind the world that Americans have unions to thank for appropriate working conditions and appropriate pay. The people with whom I stood do not believe management in the private sector nor in government will respond to the needs of rank-and-file workers out of the goodness of their hearts. Of course, American workers want a balanced budget in government. They also want roads and bridges to be repaired. They want excellent schools for all children. They want their systems of government to run smoothly and they want workers in government jobs to be paid adequately. The list of conditions and circumstances the American people want is long. The majority of American people are workers. Workers are the strength of our great country. Taking away their right to organize and to bargain with management would be a serious blow to American democracy.
Wish I was standing there with you. Well ...in fact I am. I'm going to send what you wrote along with a message to my San Diego rep.
Thanks Jerral.
What a contrast, the beautiful museum, and then the homeless person sleeping.
A shame isn't it.
I think like that, when visiting my daughter in DC, and see the homeless 2 blocks from the White House. Makes one think.
And your post, of what America wants, so perfect. Why aren't there any sensible people in government?
And, by the way, Sue, such a great idea, I just sent this baby to my State Senator. Thanks for a great idea.
And Sue, thanks for a great idea, I just sent this to my Senator and posted it on Facebook.
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