The pictures today are in no particular order...In County Kerry...around The Ring of Kerry from Killarney then back to Killarney again. As we go along seeing the ruins of literally hundreds of stone homes from the Great Hunger, the Potato Famine, in the middle of the Nineteenth Century, my attention is drawn back again and again to the senseless indifference comfortable people have to the suffering of less fortunate folks... based on differences in religion or skin color or nationality or social class... When will it ever end?
Mark, The houses that take my breath away are those stone remnants of homes abandoned during the great hunger... As you know, those ruins are all over the place as reminders of the indifference of people who have power (and enough to eat) to the suffering of people just like them who happen to have a different religion and/or citizenship papers. This is turning into a very, very good trip... and not just for the pictures. Thanks, Mark. Jerral
Oh my!! Your pictures make me seriously want to pack up and head to Ireland right now!!
Is it really possible that the country is that beautiful?!
I'm totally with you on the disgraceful neglect and intolerance toward others. Too many forget that we are all members of the Human Race first and foremost.
The photo of the house on the hill, the green grass against that blue sky with the puffy white clouds...that can't be real. Perfect.
The houses that take my breath away are those stone remnants of homes abandoned during the great hunger... As you know, those ruins are all over the place as reminders of the indifference of people who have power (and enough to eat) to the suffering of people just like them who happen to have a different religion and/or citizenship papers. This is turning into a very, very good trip... and not just for the pictures. Thanks, Mark.
Oh my!! Your pictures make me seriously want to pack up and head to Ireland right now!!
Is it really possible that the country is that beautiful?!
I'm totally with you on the disgraceful neglect and intolerance toward others. Too many forget that we are all members of the Human Race first and foremost.
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