A steady rain kept me inside with my camera for most of today. I'm working on a journal piece for the Blog, something about the illogic of asking for fewer regulations and smaller, cheaper government at a time when our country is in dire economic distress and the country's basic infrastructure is obviously crumbling...

and at a time when we are involved in two expensive wars... but that piece isn't ready to post. Looking for a photograph for today, I ventured out when there was a lull in the rain and took a picture of a face in a dirt bank, a face that has been staring out at me for the past two weeks. Inside I got a very good portrait of Smokey; so on a day when I snapped only three pictures, I like two of them so much that I couldn't choose between them. On this day, I have two
photos du jour.
wow, that face is kind of freeky, huh?
I think these formations happen often enough to make some people think they are seeing the face of the Virgin Mary or some other heavenly person. It must be like seeing things in clouds. The face I wish everybody could see is the face of the very affectionate cat. He likes to cuddle.
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