Who was it called me from deep sleep
In the early hour of this morning
While my wife lay still beside me
And the dog snored evenly across the room
And the gentle rain murmured
In the trees around the house?
Whose voice was it saying my name
Out loud so I woke and said, “What?”
The voice familiar yet strange
Saying just the name, no more,
The way my Mother would say it
Or my Father, but a woman’s voice,
The intonation intimate, confidential,
Alerting me to some turn of events,
Something I should pay attention to...
But not in panic, not in fear, not in haste?
Who speaks, not whispers, but says
Out loud at half past four in the morning
Nothing more than my name, just that?
Is it some female part of me,
Some voice that dare not show itself in daylight?
Is it God?
Did St. Augustine hear only that much...
His name? Nothing more?
Poor Joan of Arc...
No more than that to go on?
No explanation?
Whatever or whoever it is that disturbs my sleep
Has alerted me, has given a sign,
Has said this room I live in all alone
Has doors I cannot lock.
from Anton...
I read the poem about your hearing some voice. I also sometimes hear someone calling me. Not so long ago I heard a modern Russian song. The text is about the time, feelings, youth and older age. The author does not sing, but speaks throughout the song. Another man sings the chorus. The text is the following:
I know, I know that
The Youth has come to an end
And now the only thing I can do
Is to think of it and I remember that
When I was young I did not
Feel happy...I thought that
no one understood me,
no one heard what I said...
But now I know that
I was happy that time,
Though I did not realize it
Then, and...
I wanted to try everything and also...it seemed to me...
That I hear some voices...
At the Sunrise
The Voices
Call my name
So, what did I wait for that time?
I wanted to have a perfect life
To try everything in this world
and as soon as it was possible
I could walk by a window,
Look at my reflection and hope...
That someone would love me...
This perfect morning...very soon
Amazing. I had never heard or read the Russian song when I wrote Madraguda. The chorus, especiall, fits my poem perfectly. The Spanish word "madrugada" has a special meaning beyond just "dawn" or "sunrise." I think of it has that somehow strange time before dawn... Thanks.
Jerral, tried to find "Madragarda" in my Spanish dictionary, but no luck. Could it be "Mother look...?" Like one of your anonymous responders I have heard my name called in the night. On one occasion I saw the image of my departed mother, young again, approaching my bed. Scary and intimate. Loved your poem and also thought that the answering person's poem was also quite good. Wonder who he/shet was? as I suggested before, publish some of your musings.
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