We are all artificial
to some extent;
otherwise, how
could we stand each other...
our true selves to any
rubbing what

against the ones
we truly love.
what are the chances
they could tolerate...
the unwrapped
bundles of whatever
it is we are?
Well, you know
what I mean.

Actually, I am always aware that people are more fearful of such honesty rather than intolerant when the composite nature of who I am and how I view and experience life is more clearly visible in what I say, do, and think. Others try to make us into what works for them without seeing beyond their own needs for us to be certain people with morals, values, and other characteristics mirroring their own. I'm saddened by those who have created a god from whom they believe it is necessary to hide those very wonderful aspects of their personhood that make them unique and alive. Any true Affirmation of Faith must include for me standing as naked as possible before a god who loves us unconditionally and enabling us to stand as naked before each other in the context of a similar love. It's the only image of God that works for me. Fearing God makes me want to wear a suit of armor, not just a loin cloth. Being loved by God makes me unafraid to stand as naked as a jaybird, or perheaps as naked as an Elephant, and live life to the fullest extent possible. Christmas Eve is a good time to speak of loving and being love, being honest and open, unafraid of the wonder of it all! Peace, Bob
Spot on. You got it...what I was saying in "Artifice" ... what we allow to be imposed on our "being" in order to "get along." I like very much your insight. Thanks.
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