special observance, that you o'erstep not the modesty of nature:
for any thing so o'erdone is from the purpose of playing, whose
end, both at the first and now, was and is, to hold as 'twere the
mirror up to nature: to show virtue her feature, scorn her own
image, and the very age and body of the time his form and
pressure."-- Hamlet to the Players, Act 3, Scene 2
a day makes...
a year makes...
ten thousand miles makes...
and the subsequent search for the self that was left behind...
One of the great joys of being young, which I can almost remember, is the freedom to become temporarily someone else, something else. Speaking of JOY, I am discovering the joy of SKYPING. Yesterday our family in San Diego skyped with our family in Amstelveen. A couple of weeks ago I wouldn’t have know what “Skyping” means. Without cost, the house at 7084 Camino Degrazia in San Diego and the house on Oude Karselaan in Amstelveen were connected... sight and sound. Wow! Enough of that... Back to the joy of reinventing onself:
Michael and Jeremy are visiting their Dutch cousins: Dael, Brynn, and Lee. Michael has been transformed... reinvented... temporarily. Think KISS! Of course, the unusual image that came onto my screen at the very same nanosecond that it was picked up in Holland at Oude Karselaan doesn’t change anything about a grandson who is and will always be one of the best, most honorable persons I know. I know it to be true because I know him. I am very glad he has the self confidence to let an image of himself become temporarily a parody. GO, MICHAEL... AND JEREMY... AND DAEL! Have fun! Be safe!

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