CHRISTMAS DINNER AT THE MILES HOUSE was a celebration of friendship. I wish there could have been a loaves and fishes miracle that suddenly transported enough of our turkey and Nancy's gravy and our ham and green bean casserole and David’s fantastic bread pudding from our table to everybody in the world who is hungry today. And I wish the world could have heard Justus’ playing. And I wish all the people of the world could be at peace with each other as we were at peace around our table. It was an amazing day in many ways. Clouds rolled over Mission Valley bringing mist and rain in waves alternating with periods of sunshine.

One of the very best parts of the day was a time in between rain showers when I went out to Ocean Beach and got a few photographs that will help me remember the day. I have become partial to pigeons... and to their cousins the sea gulls. These two were kind enough to stop long enough for me to get close enough to see the color of their eyes and to take their pictures.

Later during another break in the storm I drove out to Cabrillo Point with Justus and Cas.

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