Hamlet: Let us go in together,
And still your fingers on your lips, I pray.
The time is out of joint—
Hamlet Act 1, scene 5
One of the lingering accusations leveled against Barack Obama is that he is “elitist.” Some of us are old enough to remember when it wasn’t uncommon to hear white folks describing a black person who had become successful and prosperous as “uppity.” I’m guessing the people who say the black democratic party candidate is “elitist” are trying hard to convince undecided voters that they shouldn’t vote for an “uppity” black person. Republicans should be embarrassed by this kind of not-so-subtle pandering.
On the other side, Democrats have been busy suggesting John McCain’s choice of running mate is a direct play for the “redneck” vote. I don’t like the term “redneck.” It is derogatory and offensive. It ranks right down there with all those other words that are used to negatively stereotype people. I’m guessing it was first used to describe folks who make a living bending their backs and necks working out in the sun. Using “redneck” to categorize country folk, working people, and citizens who have not had the advantage of higher education as people who can be easily fooled is also pejorative and pandering. Let’s not do it. We're better than that.
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