I was alone, except for a half dozen other crows, in the park with this bird this morning; and he seemed to me to be up to something sinister. The other crows kept their distance from him and from me. Of course, I don't know if it's a male, but the female pronoun seems inappropriate. He was big, and he seemed fearless. I got the picture with my little point-and-shoot Olympus, so you can see how close I got to him.
I didn't notice until I got the image on the screen of my computer that he seems ragged, very much like some of the homeless people I usually see in the part of the park where I had stopped today to take a picture of a eucalyptus tree. I don't know if all crows' eyes are like the one on this bird. He must have seen me with that eye. If it had been bad he would have kept turning to look at me with the other eye. On the other hand, maybe he wasn't interested in seeing me at all.
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