Generally, vision is a powerful factor in human enterprise. The Hebrew text, Proverbs 18:29, reminds us that “where there is no vision, the people perish.” Vision can be formed around faulty reason; sometimes vision grows out of an idea that is contrary to nature. A few years after the formation of the Salton Sea, that big lake in the Southern California desert, several people shared a dream of lush oasis in the dry land. They laid out plans for seaside communities complete with streets and lights and the beginnings of country club amenities.A few lots were sold and even a few homes were built. But the dream soured. Vision wasn’t enough. The sun beat down. Following unusual tropical storms in 1976 and 1977, great surges of angry water flooded the shoreline inundating homes. However, the storms failed to provide enough fresh water to replenish the sea. Run-off from Imperial Valley farms increased salinity, and the water turned to brine saltier than earth’s great oceans. Dreams died. Trees withered. All but a very few hardy souls departed the shore communities.

The little town of Bombay Beach on the eastern shore struggles on. In late afternoon light, the unforgiving landscape and seascape can turn starkly beautiful.

This photo is a good example of a "living dream" .
This photo is a "living dream.
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