ONE OF THE JOYS OF FRIENDSHIP for me is being introduced or reintroduced to things that I may have sometimes noticed but hadn't looked at closely. Several friends of Kathy Ellis are being gifted with information about hummingbirds. I am fortunate to be one of those friends, so now I'm constantly on the lookout for hummingbirds. The little bird in these photographs and a partner built a nest near the entrance to the social hall at First United Methodist Church in San Diego. One of the best sermons in San Diego this week was this birds demonstration of faithfulness and dependability. A fire in the basement of the church early in the week did more than a million dollars worth of damage. Smoke billowed and firemen swarmed all over the campus. On Sunday hundreds of people passed just a couple of feet below her. She didn't leave the nest until the smoke and firemen and all the people left. I saw her/him (Kathy will tell me which) sitting on the nest when there was confusion everywhere. Later when the coast was clear, I slipped back with my camera and she was gone. I waited. She came back, settled on the nest, and didn't move while I stood on a chair and got close to take the photographs.THE HUMMINGBIRD FEEDING at the bougainvillaea is not the Methodist bird. I took these flying photos in Balboa Park near The Spanish Village Art Center. St. Paul's Cathedral is a short flight across the park, so this one is probably Episcopalian.
1 comment:
Ohh Jerral! what kind words of friendship. They warm me.. I don't get out as much as I'd like and because of a friendship with Bill and Ruth Derisi, who last year shared delightful photographs of hummingbirds at their feeder, I decided to find out something abt these little birds. In home days became more interesting and at times even downright exciting! So I traveled down the internet highway where, because of the Derisis, I not only found joy & amusement but also was reminded that part of feeling healthy (and good abt oneself) is learning. It has also not been lost on me that if I have a few friends who are kind enough to lend an ear I'm fortunate. (My recipients are stellar friends indeed since I inundated them with info which I’m sure, at times, they just politely deleted without even hinting to lay off the msgs---thx!). Jerral & his wife Margaret took my husband and me to go see the nest and bird today…Only females build and tend to the nestlings. She wasn’t there neither were eggs or nestlings. But what a perfect little clutch to admire. I don’t know where she is or in what stage of development this bird’s nest is but the state of my friendships is good. Make friends, share knowledge and live well. Kathy And, for those of you who’ve taken a gander at these photos, you are sharing in some magnificent, rare pictures.
1 comment:
Ohh Jerral! what kind words of friendship. They warm me..
I don't get out as much as I'd like and because of a friendship with Bill and Ruth Derisi, who last year shared delightful photographs of hummingbirds at their feeder, I decided to find out something abt these little birds. In home days became more interesting and at times even downright exciting! So I traveled down the internet highway where, because of the Derisis, I not only found joy & amusement but also was reminded that part of feeling healthy (and good abt oneself) is learning. It has also not been lost on me that if I have a few friends who are kind enough to lend an ear I'm fortunate. (My recipients are stellar friends indeed since I inundated them with info which I’m sure, at times, they just politely deleted without even hinting to lay off the msgs---thx!). Jerral & his wife Margaret took my husband and me to go see the nest and bird today…Only females build and tend to the nestlings. She wasn’t there neither were eggs or nestlings. But what a perfect little clutch to admire. I don’t know where she is or in what stage of development this bird’s nest is but the state of my friendships is good. Make friends, share knowledge and live well.
And, for those of you who’ve taken a gander at these photos, you are sharing in some magnificent, rare pictures.
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